Accessing RUMC Compound with Your ID Card

Accessing RUMC Compound with Your ID Card:

To smoothly access the RUMC compound using your car, follow these simple steps:

  1. Approach the Barrier Gate Slowly: Drive your car towards the barrier gate at a slow, safe speed.

  2. Stop After the Bump: As you near the gate, stop your car right after the bump located in front of the gate.

  3. Position Your Car Correctly: Ensure that your car's front wheel is over the bump and positioned near the barrier gate.

  4. Present Your ID Card: Hold your ID card steadily in front of the receiver. Do not wave it; just keep it steady for verification.

  5. Wait for Verification: Allow a few seconds for the receiver to verify your ID card.

  6. Proceed When Gate Opens: Once the barrier gate starts to open, the light will turn green, indicating clearance.

  7. Drive Through: Drive through the gate and proceed into the RUMC compound safely.

Remember, these steps apply to both entry and exit from the RUMC compound. Whether you're entering or leaving, follow the same process for a hassle-free experience.

For example, when exiting the compound, follow the same steps: approach the barrier gate slowly, stop after the bump, position your car correctly, present your ID card, wait for verification, and drive through once the light turns green.

With these straightforward instructions, accessing and exiting the RUMC compound using your ID card will be a breeze.


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